About us
In Sicily, in the heart of the Mediterranean, in the splendid setting of the historic port of the city of Messina, in the 55,000 square meters of the Military Arsenal is being born the refit yard Zancle 757 Yacht Village. Born from the synergy with the Industry and Defense Agency (A.I.D.) and founded by Rocco Finocchiaro, this ambitious project is proposed as a new and unique reality in the world of large yacht refit. A place is able to offer high-level technical infrastructures and prestigious services dedicated to crews. The name Zancle 757 originates from the millenary history of the city of Messina: in fact, this is the name given to the city in 757 BC. by the Greeks, for the sickle shape of its harbour, one of the safest natural harbours in the world. Almost 3000 years of history, a strong seafaring tradition and a great vocation for shipbuilding make Messina the ideal place to host a reality like Zancle 757 Yacht Village, which today represents the magical union of these components, to which it adds constant research of specific and increasingly rare professionalism, such as the old shipwrights for the restoration of vintage boats or the ancient turners.

هدفنا هو تقديم خدمة "تسليم المفتاح" ، واحترام الميزانية ووقت التسليم ، مع الاهتمام المستمر بجودة وراحة أطقم السفن خلال فترة حوض بناء السفن.
Keywords are professionalism, high-quality standards and meticulous attention to detail.
يضمن الشغف بالبحر ، جنبًا إلى جنب مع تقاليد ومهارات بناء السفن القوية الموجودة في المنطقة والصناعات المرتبطة بها (تم إنشاء أول قارب محلق في العالم وإطلاقه في ميسينا) إضفاء الطابع الشخصي على كل مشروع بعناية واحترافية.

لماذا تختار حوض بناء السفن Zancle 757؟
- موقع جغرافي مثالي ؛
- مهارات فنية واحترافية كبيرة ؛
- حفر الحوض الجاف L = 150 م ، ب = 24،80 م ؛
- الحوض الجاف العائم L = 73 م ، B = 20 م ، 900 طن ؛
- Travelift 220 tons;
- رصيف فني 450 م داخل حوض بناء السفن (24/7 أمن عسكري).
- 450 مترًا جنبًا إلى جنب مع الرصيف المتوافق مع ISPS ، والمتوفر في ميناء ميسينا ، في قلب المدينة ، مما يجعله مثاليًا للرسو على المدى الطويل أو القصير ؛
- 55.000 متر مربع مساحة حوض بناء السفن ؛
- ورشة عمل بمساحة 25.000 متر مربع ، مستودع ؛
- Duty-Free Bunkering for yachts in commercial use and pleasure (according to the international law);
- Conciergerie;
- Crew Accommodation;
- مطاران في الجوار.
- مهبط للطائرات العمودية داخل المجمع العسكري.
- ملعب تنس ، ملعب كرة سلة ، ملعب كرة قدم ، منطقة للركض ؛
- بنك، مكتب بريد؛
- تخزين الطاقم.
Zancle 757 Yacht Village is located in a perfect geographical and strategic position: we are at the centre of the Mediterranean, in the Strait of Messina, in the north-eastern corner of Sicily. This area is served by two airports. One is located in the city of Reggio Calabria, only 2 miles from the shipyard. Owners can reach the Zancle’s shipyards lending with any size of private jet, and then they will be in the shipyard just in twenty five minutes with the public transport (hydrofoils, boats) or just in fifteen minutes with a private tender: they will not even have to leave the airport area as this is so close to the sea to have its own dedicated dock. The second is the Catania Airport, served with national and international flights, just at forty-five minutes by car or bus from the shipyard. Don’t forget: Zancle 757 Yacht Village has its private helipad, which can accommodate any size of helicopter, safely in any conditions, just a few steps from the yachts.